With Saudi Arabia’s accession to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), there is much anticipation and discussion going on regarding the impact of the accession, particularly in our field of technology transfer. For example, people are wondering about impacts on patent...

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As KAUST TTI’s patent administrator, my job is to keep the patent prosecution process moving. This is a harder task than you might think. I coordinate between TTI case managers, our outside counsel in the United States, and KAUST inventors....

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Early in 2011, KAUST’s Catalysis Center discovered a new fibrous silica nanospheres material called KCC-1. As part of our commercialization efforts, we’ve since established a scale-up facility in KAUST’s Innovation Cluster using a 20-liter reactor for production of KCC-1. Now, we are...

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With all the news about patent litigation these days, some have argued that patents are hurting innovation. There have even been suggestions of just eliminating or greatly curtailing patent rights. Such comments are heard particularly loudly when products are pulled...

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By the middle of the 21st century, the world’s urban population is expected to nearly double, increasing to 6.4 billion in 2050. This extraordinary growth will create many new challenges for urban planning and city infrastructures. Many city planners are...

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The job of a tech transfer office can seem deceptively simple: pinpoint new technologies, showcase them to the market. In reality, our role is much more complex. It’s more than just connecting industries with new technologies. It’s understanding those industries...

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Prof. Atif Shamim and team at the IMPACT Lab (Integrated Microwave Packaging Antennas & Circuits Technology) developed a tracking system that uses patches of paper printed with an inkjet printer. Attached to an object, these tags have tiny GSM and GPS chips...

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There’s been lots of talk recently about “open innovation.” Dr. Henry Chesbrough, at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, coined the term and has written three books on the subject. It’s now become a popular buzzword, but what does open...

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