It’s a new year and a time for new resolutions. There is a strong chance that your goals are similar to last year: travel more, balance, exercise, eat healthier, etc. But what if this year one of your resolutions was...

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The newly constructed Dow Innovation Center at KAUST was inaugurated on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 in a ceremony attended by Dow executive leadership, the KAUST Board of Trustees, University leadership, and special invited guests from Saudi Arabia. Located in the...

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In the last week of February KAUST hosted some of the most cutting-edge researchers in the area of photovoltaics at the annual KAUST Solar Energy research conference. The conference theme, Synergistic Approaches in PV, underscored the overriding message of the...

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KAUST startups have had a run of success in the Kingdom’s recent entrepreneurship competitions. Leading the way was KAUST startup Sadeem, a wireless sensor system for flood monitoring. After winning Best Global Startup and taking home $100,000 in prize money at...

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