Next intake:
KAUST course code: for Spring IED210/ for Summer: IED220
Credits: Spring 3 / Summer 6
Course delivery: remote/face-to-face
Dates (Mondays and Wednesdays): to be confirmed
Time: to be confirmed
To register, visit: KAUST SAP portal
The New Venture and Product Innovation course is a hands-on learning program run by the KAUST Entrepreneurship Center to teach students how to evaluate business ideas and pitch to investors. The course runs twice a year over eight weeks. As a student, you will learn in an intensive, mentor-led experiential environment designed to develop your entrepreneurial skills and expand your knowledge of leadership, team development, conflict resolution, stakeholder and project management. You will learn the art of pitching by doing and hear from business leaders, guest speakers and startup founders.
Learning outcomes:
- A greater understanding of the tools that every innovator needs to succeed and how to evaluate and analyze business ideas.
- A broader set of innovation skills for your career and those needed to develop an investor pitch.
- Insights into the best-case innovation and entrepreneurship case studies.
- Feedback and advice from the KAUST Entrepreneurship Center team of mentors, guest speakers and subject matter experts.